It was a struggle, but in December 2020, I finally completed my Hawai'i Life Styles Academic Studies Certificate! I continue to work very slowly toward an AA in Hawaiian Studies. My experience as a student at Hawai'i Community College has been amazing! My youngest daughter also started college, and due to Covid circumstances, both daughters are both back home with us. I have temporarily lost my new office/studio, but I'm happy we are together.
In an effort to connect with others and also take care of myself physically, spiritually, and emotionally, I did a ton of new things during the last year. It wasn't easy, but here are some of the positives:
- Started walking regularly and took part in the HawCC Walking Challenge
- Sent postcards out to dozens of friends around the world
- Took up painting
- Kept a journal
- Cut my husband’s hair (really short!)
- Tried oat milk (ok) and flaxseed milk (ugh) because the store was always out of soymilk
- Discovered TikTok
- Ordered my first produce box from a farm coop
- Stayed overnight in a treehouse in Volcano
- Sat on the seashore and watched a storm come in
- Fed baby mice with a paintbrush (don't ask!)