Wednesday, April 28, 2021


Wow! It's hard to believe that an entire year has passed since I've updated my blog. This year was spent, like most of you, working from home and surviving COVID-19. I'm now back on campus in the afternoons, so please stop by my office! We've all been through so many changes over the last year. I can't wait to reconnect with all of you to hear about your struggles and challenges and your new experiences and accomplishments during this, the craziest of all years!

My new home office/studio
For me, getting used to working from home required some adjustment. While I had a newly empty nest, which left me with a bedroom to create my long awaited home office and art studio, I had to create all new routines and strategies for dealing with interruptions and different demands on my time. I'm sure you can relate! 

It was a struggle, but in December 2020, I finally completed my Hawai'i Life Styles Academic Studies Certificate! I continue to work very slowly toward an AA in Hawaiian Studies. My experience as a student at Hawai'i Community College has been amazing! My youngest daughter also started college, and due to Covid circumstances, both daughters are both back home with us. I have temporarily lost my new office/studio, but I'm happy we are together.

In an effort to connect with others and also take care of myself physically, spiritually, and emotionally, I did a ton of new things during the last year. It wasn't easy, but here are some of the positives:

  • Started walking regularly and took part in the HawCC Walking Challenge
  • Sent postcards out to dozens of friends around the world
  • Took up painting
  • Kept a journal
  • Cut my husband’s hair (really short!)
  • Tried oat milk (ok) and flaxseed milk (ugh) because the store was always out of soymilk
  • Discovered TikTok
  • Ordered my first produce box from a farm coop
  • Stayed overnight in a treehouse in Volcano
  • Sat on the seashore and watched a storm come in
  • Fed baby mice with a paintbrush (don't ask!)

Here are some photos from this time in our lives:

Ukiuki berriesAdventures in Abstract PaintingAccidental Poetry Postcard

Nature Walk FindsMultimedia Self PortraitVolcano Treehouse

Hilo Bay SunsetFeeding a baby mouse with a paintbrushStorm Coming In

Now I want to hear about you. How was your COVID year?

ChatGPT from an Administrator's Point of View

I have an admission to make. I'm really excited about ChatGPT. I like it because AI is so mind-blowing and thought-provoking, and I love...