Aloha kākou!
I started this blog back in 2018 after a Pamaomao trip to the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina during which I committed to sharing with the kauhale my learning and experiences at HawaiʻiCC. As I move into my next journey as Interim VCAA, stepping in for Joni Onishi as she retires, I want to recommit to keeping this blog, but I would also like to change the tone and content.
One of the things I have learned, painfully sometimes, is that communication doesn't always happen the way we think it will or should. At HawCC, I have found an abundance of information, but the channels don't always take that info where it should go. There is no blame in this statement. It's just a reality of organizational life that communication is a constant struggle and can always be improved upon.
So as I learn all the new things I need to know to do my job, naturally, the question keeps popping into my mind:
How will I make sure the right people know this?
Luckily, there are already many information pathways that exist for us, but as I sat in a meeting today, I realized that some info I'd been working with this last year had not made it to some critical areas. I think this happens sometimes because we are so reliant on email, and if you're anything like me, you are in serious email overload ALL. THE. TIME.
During the pandemic, I found myself talking on the phone to people a lot more, and I like it. I appreciate Zoom for it's convenience, but I miss face-to-face meetings. They're just...different. As we all know, the Coconut Wireless is a key way to get information. So this brings me back to my original question. My answer is that I will be talking to people more. While we can get rid of written communication, we can supplement it.
So call me anytime! My office number if 808-934-2514. Hopefully, you all have my cell, but I share it freely (just not on the Internet :). I look forward to hearing your voice