Monday, October 3, 2022

2022 AAUW State Convention at Volcano National Park

"It was truly inspiring and wonderful to meet everyone! I look forward to seeing how we can grow the organization on our campus as well!"


 The American Association of University Women (AAUW) held its 2022 convention last weekend on Sept. 30 - Oct. 2 at the Kilauea Military Camp (KMC). In my opinion, Hawai'i Island was the perfect place to hold this year's event with the theme of Climate Change and Its Impact on Women.

 Hawai'i Island boasts 10 out of 14 climate zones according to the UH Hilo Geology Department, from beaches to snowy mountain tops and almost everything in between. About 70 attendees from all over Hawai'i and the mainland enjoyed lovely days and cool evening weather in Volcano National Park.

 Kumu Hula Meleana Manuel officially opened the convention with a warm blessing, and her Halau Ke 'Olu Makani o Mauna Loa performed hula to ground us in the 'aina and the spirit of the event.

 Local speakers as well as representatives from national AAUW covered a wide range of fascinating topics:


 To say that I am inspired and motivated to make things happen is an understatement!


  Personally and professionally, I am excited to invite Hawai'i CC faculty, staff, and students to join in me building AAUW's presence on our campus and putting some of the things I learned into practice. Four HawCC faculty members, a STEM student/tutor, and a young guest joined me in representing our kauhale.

  A number of other representatives from other UH institutions joined us for an afternoon meeting to discuss how AAUW can meet the needs of its youngest members and transform as an organization, to network, and to share ideas.


The next convention is in two years in October 2024 on O'ahu. Get ready for Hawai'i CC to represent!!

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